Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Are you eligible for free childcare??

The government has now opened up 10 hours of childcare for 2 year olds if you are in receipt of the following:
Income Support
Income related employment support allowance
Child tax credit over £545 per yr but not recieving working tax credit
The guaranteed element of state pension credit
Extra working tax credit relating to a disability
Support under part V1 of the immigration and asylum act 1999
Working tax credit during the four week period immediately after their employment finishes or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week

If you are eligible, we cater for the funded children at our Nurseries in Ipswich and will apply on your behalf.

Little steps to green fingers!

We are currently putting into place new actions to make the nurseries a greener place for the children and families. Both our Nurseries in Ipswich, Wigwams and Buttons and Bows Amongst many things we are replacing paper towels with cotton cloths, composting, recycling as much of our waste as possible, reusing paper, replacing lights to energy saving lights, teaching the children how to be green, reducing our heating bill by using draft excluders when doors are open for free play, having a wormery, having an allotment and growing our own, sourcing local produce to reduce airmiles, switching lights off when leaving rooms, using clean waste to make artwork, decorating the nursery with recycled paint, reducing packaging, reducing the use of nappies where possible and on top of this some of our staff are even reducing their carbon footprint by cycling to work!!

So if you are looking for a childcare provider in Ipswich who has the green touch, get in touch!