Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Christmas Fayre 3rd December at Wigwams

At Wigwams Nursery we are holding a Christmas Fayre from 10am-2pm.  Everyone is welcome and there will be a raffle, tombola, lots of games, Santa's grotto, lucky dip, bric-a-brac, cakes, and much more.  Come along for a fun family day out and the chance to win some fantastic prizes and to support the nursery. Admission is free for everyone.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Professional Day at Wigwams

On February 4th 2012, Wigwams will be holding a professional development day between 10am and 3pm. Come and listen to the inspiring team at Wigwams talk with passion about their work with children aged 0-5 years and their families. We will be covering areas such as respecting children, meeting the needs of babies and leading and working in an outstanding setting.

To avoid disappointment book now...click here for the registration form.

Monday, 12 September 2011

We are holding the following events at Wigwams Nursery in Ipswich, please come along for a fun day out and to support the nursery:
Christmas fayre will be held on 3rd december 10-12 including raffle,tombola,bric a brac,cake stall,gifts etc
Healthy fun day October 22nd 10-12 parachute play, food tasting, smoothie making, goalie shootout, etc

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Summer Fete at Buttons and Bows Nursery

Summer fete at Buttons and Bows Nursery, Ipswich
We are having a summer fete for all on Saturday 16th July 12pm – 4pm at our sister  nursery in Ipswich
There will be games for all the family, a BBQ, a raffle, a tombola, a coconut shy, a cake sale, prizes and much, much more!!  We will also have a visit from the police so the children can sit in their car and see the lights and hear the sirens.
Come along and enjoy the fun with all the family!!
If you have any unwanted items for the tombola or raffle prizes it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate them. All the money raised will go towards buying new resources for the nursery for the benefit of the children.
We hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Weapons and super hero play

Wigwams Nursery held a forum with parents to discuss the nursery allowing children to play with guns and weapons. The aim was to review our policy and to get feedback from parents of the nursery children.   Seven parents attended and three parents gave their feedback although they couldn't attend, and three members of staff attended.  Lisa the nursery manager chaired to the forum and brought her experience and research to the meeting from her 3,000 word dissertation she had previously studied on the topic. She also brought other expert views/books on the subject to make it non bias.  Parents really benefitted from the meeting and it also gave them the chance to raise any other concerns they may have had with the nursery in an open and fair environment. 

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

As part of Lisas Early Years Professional status, Lisa took some 3 and 4 year olds from the pre-school on a trip to Ipswich Museum after realising their interest in dinosaurs and bones. The trip allowed the children to develop all areas of learning, including skills such as confidence in new experiences, personal and social skills, physical experiences by touching and handling unusual objects, thinking and listening skills, problem solving and most importantly they enjoyed it.  One area that was noticeably developed was the childrens language and vocabulary.

The trip has been supported by Suffolk Museum and has influenced the way the museum educates the younger children by making their experience more interactive and tangible by using resource bags, dressing up and role play, tunnels and maps.

On reflection of their trip the children produced drawings to represent their experience and what they learnt. To see their pictures visit our nursery page on our website.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Our Nursery Manager

Lisa our Nursery manager has successfully achieved her Early Years Professional status this term. Her experience and training will add quality and value to the childcare at the Nursery and the children will also benefit from her education experience. Well done Lisa!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Fundraising for the Nursery

We have been able to buy some community play equipment and a shed from our fundraising at the nursery.  We will get a lot of use out of the shed over the summer and are still encouraging families to join in and utilise the allotment space we have in Ipswich. Some of the space will be used to grow produce and some will also be used for the children to explore the natural environment. The picture is of the play equipment we have recently purchased.
Thank you for those who have sponsored and taken part in the fundraising events, we hope to have more for our Nursery in Ipswich over the coming year so we can get more equipment to benefit the children.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

World Book week

Just to remind you all that our Wigwams Nursery in Ipswich is holding a dressing up week for World book Day. Come along as a book character and join in. Our sister Nursery in Ipswich, Buttons and Bows is also holding a dressing up week too.

Both nurseries are also still seeking support for Haven Fun and Fitness equipment so please register if you haven't already. The children will get a lot of enjoyment from the sports equipment. This is one of many improvements we are doing at the nursery, including hiring a cook and building a kitchen to provide fresh meals for the children and redecorating the communal areas. So please help us get some more equipment to continue these improvements for the children.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog. Please feel free to provide us with feedback or log on to our website if you want some more information http://www.wigwamsnursery.co.uk/ or email us info@wigwamsnursery.co.uk

Wigwams nursery in Ipswich is an excellent day care nursery for young children. We provide all childcare needs for babies, toddlers and pre schoolers. The childcare is flexible to suit your needs and is by the hour. We have been rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted and if you are in and around Ipswich, Wigwams is the best choice. Wigwams nursery in ipswich can now offer 2 year old funding, to find out if you are eligible please call us on 01473 240304.  We also still have pre-school places available for 3+ years.